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Command And Conquer Crossover

Command And Conquer Crossover
  1. Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars unveils the future of RTS gaming by bringing you back to where it all began: the Tiberium Universe. How to Install CrossOver to run Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. CODEWEAVERS HELP!, THIS GAME COULD BE PERFECT, IT COULD GET A GOLD, IF IT GOT SOME HELP FROM YOU GUYS!
  2. The map in question being Command and Conquer: UC Ad Astra: combining the Command and Conquer Tiberium universe with the 'Universal Century' continuity of the Gundam franchise. More specifically, this was born from this idea: what would happen if the Global Defense Initiative (the 'good guys' in the setting) from just after C.&C 3: Kane's Wrath.

For detailed information about this series, see: The Sims Wiki The Sims is a series of real-life simulation videogames and it's a sub-series of the Sim series.

Although based on the map for, as much as possible, I've tried to stay as faithful to the games, anime and source material as possible, further info on which can be found on and (with further as well as ), though there are a couple of creative licenses made to make everything as consistent and detailed as possible. In addition, some elements are based on the cancelled Tiberium game and whatever could be salvaged from Tiberian Twilight, as well as elements taken from various OVAs and manga (including references to Stardust Memory, War in the Pocket, 08th MS Team, Thunderbolt, Gundam Unicorn and Zeta Gundam). While certain other details were by the Spacebattles Sieg Zeon RP map cover.

The cluster of colonies furthest from the Earth, called Side 3 or Munzo which had proclaimed itself the Principality of Zeon, launched a war of independence against the Earth Federation. A combination of events conspired to bring about this, spanning decades. Be it the proliferation of Zeon Zum Deikun's views on Spacenoids and 'Newtypes,' or more specifically on the infamous Bardot Policy that brought about an economic embargo, in one way or another anger towards the Earthnoid elites, whose souls were weighed down by gravity, had continued to grow, soon making conflict all but inevitable. Realizing the immense might of the Federation, however decadent it was, in the preceding years Zeon turned to utilizing Minovsky Physics (which screws with electromagnetic radiation and radar but can also be used for beam weaponry and ulta-compact fusion reactors) and a revolutionary innovation: the Mobile Suit.

Equipped with Active Mass Balance Auto-Control (AMBAC) systems and designed with Minovsky Particles in mind, these humanoid weapons would soon upend 'conventional' and speculative warfare as it had been understood since the 20th and 21st Centuries in the old Anno Domini calendar. Even as those MS overwhelmed various enemy installations, however, the upper echelons of Zeon's high command, at the behest of Gihren Zabi, looked to a cruel yet audacious plan to end the war early: Operation British, a colony drop targeted at the Earth Federation's main military HQ in Jaburo, somewhere in South America. The scheme failed, the colony dropping instead on (and erasing) Sydney, Australia. 200 Million people died as a result, with many more following suit in coming the days and weeks.

People were horrified by the indescribable atrocities that had been committed in the name of independence. Still, faced with the bulk of the Earth Federation Space Force (EFSF) threatening their Homeland, the denizens of Zeon pushed forward to challenge the Earth head-on in what came to be called the Battle of Loum, named after the site of the battle in Side 5. Despite mounting casualties on both sides, the Spacenoids with their MS emerged victorious, not only wiping out much of the Earthnoids' military capacity in space, but even capturing their esteemed General Revil. Despite the triumphant victory and hopes for a swift end to a conflict that was rapidly becoming the bloodiest in human history, however, neither faction refused to budge. But then, on the eve of a what was dubbed the Earth Drop Operations, the face of the planet itself changed forever. In a flash, about 20% of the globe, along with the geostationary space above them were suddenly replaced by a what seemed to be mirror versions from another reality, at once similiar yet different.

While the appearance of the so-called 'Blue Zones' following the event, known simply as the 'Anomaly,' quickly threw much of the Federation into disarray, for the Spacenoids it initially warranted little more than adjusting their timetable. Even when the newcomers, calling themselves the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), soon sent out delegates to both sides as a diplomatic gesture, Kycilia Zabi among many others notably scoffed them as merely Earthnoids by another name. The planned invasion proceeded as originally intended, if somewhat delayed.Zeon, however, underestimated their new opponents.

For the Earth they had come from not only had a history that diverged significantly some time in the 1990s by the old reckoning. But was also beset by Tiberium, a green crystalline resource whose value was rivaled only by its destructive impact on the planet. GDI, established by that reality's United Nations as an international peacekeeping force, had outlived its host organization in both enduring an increasingly hostile environment and upholding its original mandate. By 2052, it had also long since subsumed what was left of its member states as both the guardian and governing body of the civilized world, enduring three massive wars against a deluded Brotherhood worshiping the substance and even an invasion by extraterrestrials closely linked to the crystal. The Spacenoids, thus, encountered a professional military force that by necessity couldn't afford to be a pushover. For what GDI lacked in MS or beam weapons its soldiers more than made up for in combined arms tactics, rugged engineering (that was at least partially resistant to Minovsky Particles), and potent firepower (including magnetic railguns and sonic weaponry).

Working together with the beleaguered Federation and nearby Ground Force (EFGF) divisions, the newcomers were able to halt what should have been a relentless advance. Although heavily armored tanks and sturdy mechs were not always enough (especially when Titan walkers were found to be vulnerable to even Zaku-IIs at close quarters combat), battle-honed tactics and advanced logistics often helped in turning the tide. It helped as well that this was not the first time they had confronted humanoid walkers.Even then, the Zabis and their best commanders were able to entrench their positions and deploy additional reinforcements from across the Earth Sphere. Among those reinforcements were members of the newly founded Newtype Independent Corps, some of whom were equipped with prototype ' psycommu' systems (developed with the help of one Dr. Flanagan) designed to control weapons remotely through their mental ability.

This proved more than enough to grind the counterattacks to a crawl, even with the Federation's hastened completion of 'Operation V.' Although the world outside the Blue Zones was more sparsely populated than it was in the 'Middle Era' of Anno Domini, the result of “relocating” whole populations to space in earlier generations, the situation had ground down to the point that further attempts to drive the invaders off the planet would be costly for all parties involved. The war was at a stalemate. It was a few months later, however, that GDI's partially intact Ion Cannon network was successfully bought back online. Fiercely defended by A-SAT systems and a relative handful of Kodiak-class battlecruisers that comprised its embryonic space fleet - while managing to fend off Zeon MS and Musai destroyers - these defense platforms were quickly used for strategic warning shots. But it was only after one was fired directly on an enemy force advancing a pocket of EFGF holdouts in Indochina that Earthnoids and Spacenoids alike were finally forced to the table.

Thus, the Global Armistice was finalized on Christmas Day. Until a more lasting and peaceful compromise could be reached, the reasoning went, a status quo had to be upheld, however tenuous it was. Especially with the discovery that Tiberium deposits had somehow appeared in portions of the globe outside the Blue Zones.

Although the warnings from GDI delegates regarding the green crystal were neglected, the agreement held firm. Barring mild, intermittent skirmishes, the end of the conflict seemed was closer than ever. Or so most people believed. A few years on, the world continues to stand on the precipice.The Earth Federation still presents itself as the sole, legitimate body representing all mankind, as it was even before the the Laplace Incident of UC 0001.

In practice, it's almost a miracle that it has managed to hold itself together at all. Although nominally democratic, with the 'Loyalist' EF Assembly based in Lhasa (Dakar having been lost in the Anomaly), the civil bureaucracy is dominated not just by technocrats, but also the remaining oligarchs, lobbyists (including the Lunar-based Anaheim Electronics) and 'global' elites, such as the mysterious Vist family. Although this has also resulted in a seeming decay of functional authority through corruption and neglect, it has also allowed them to further consolidate power where it actually matters, such that not even the challenge posed by the newcomers would shake their grip; the trend, if anything, has accelerated even further, with rival politicians and interest groups conveniently out of the picture. Meanwhile, the Earth Federation Forces continues keeping the peace from the main HQ at Jaburo, with strategic outposts scattered across the Earth Sphere (the largest being the asteroid base Luna II).

While originally based on the UN Peacekeepers and national militaries of old (albeit with some upgrades), since the beginning of hostilities the EFGF/EFSF has grown increasingly reliant on beam weapons and the GM line of Mobile Suits (among the many end results of 'Operation V'), among others. From their experiences with GDI, efforts have also being made to upgrade rather than jettison their more conventional arsenals, among the most notable being jow the latest iteration of the M60 Main Battle Tank more closely resembles the Mammoth Mk. At the same time, however, the upper echelons of its chain of command has underestimated just how overstretched and hobbled (be it complacency or corruption) they've become, as well as the scale of 'Martial Law' being enacted in response to both Zeon and mounting instability; indeed, a major thorn has been the growing trend of defections by not only individual squads to GDI but even high-ranking figures, most infamously Gen. Thus, it's no surprise that certain interests and groups, hoping to put an end to this predicament have lent their support to Jamitov Hymen's Special Emergency Corps. But as the so-called 'Titans' are granted ever more powers to quell dissent and external threats, to the satisfaction of many among the governing class, some have not only been questioning the underlying motives but more treasonous ideas. Such as whether, after all is said and done, it deserves to be saved.It's another story for the Principality of Zeon.

Since the passing of Degwin Sodo Zabi not long after the Global Armistice, the title of 'Sovereign' has remained temporarily vacant as per his wishes, with Garma (the youngest) slated by some to be the most likely to fully inherit it. Nonetheless, the rebellious Spacenoids have not been idle in making the most of the intervening time. As their national resources and manpower were still around 1/30th compared to the Earth Federation's, the Zabis and their best commanders were nigh unanimous in realizing that they could ill afford to be complacent with their conquests. Thus on top of maximizing and annexing their most vital territories on Earth, notably Odessa Sector in what was once Ukraine, they established various 'Reichskommissariats' out of their remaining holdings, with the intent of integrating them once victory was secured. Whether it's due to Side 3's Germanic-derived pretensions, historical amnesia or deliberate spite, such moves have helped in swaying various anti-Federation groups to Zeon's cause, including a number of religious and nationalist movements still skeptical of the “white” and multicultural “Feddies;' some even call the Earthnoid elite “Frenchmen” after half-forgotten memories of colonial rules.

Myriad other reforms, including the United Maintenance Plan and a greater emphasis on implementing long-neglected experimental projects (such as the Jormundgand and Solar Ray in the wake of GDI's Ion Cannons) have further helped in giving the Principality even more of an even footing. But while their efforts to remake their share of the Earth Sphere in their image have seen results, whose image would win out is becoming the overriding question. Not even the propaganda machine run by the notorious Gihren Zabi, which has done much in reinforcing solidarity and support for the regime, has stopped the simmering rivalries among the myriad cliques, from the power plays between industrial conglomerates MIP and Zeonic-Zimmad (which were merged together in response to Anaheim Electronics) to those among some members of the ruling dynasty. Then, there's the secretive and increasingly confrontational Newtype Independent Corps, whose members have since come to call themselves 'Neo Zeon' out of the belief that they are the future of not only their country but all mankind. While rumors that their infighting against the rest of the cliques would devolve into all-out civil war are as yet unconfirmed, those alleging that the long lost son of Deikun himself is leading them are harder to deny.

And then, there is the Global Defence Initiative. The fact that much of its manpower, infrastructure and economic base actually being within the Blue Zones that 'crossed over' in the Anomaly meant that the initial fallout of the event was significantly minimized, albeit not without its fair share of unrest. Not even its most jaded officials, however, anticipated how much of a proverbial 'wild card' it would actually be by existing in the Universal Century. Before and after the Global Armistice, GDI's efforts to help their neighbors and deter Spacenoid aggression not only earned the support of more than a few Earthnoids but in the process presented much more. GDI's founders did not intentionally set it up to be a global superstate, their successors only doing so due to circumstances and out of necessity in a deteriorating planet.

Yet unlike the Earth Federation, there's an actual semblance of democratic government and freedoms. Despite harrowing pressures, being more densely populated and a nigh constant war footing born from generations of struggle, standards of living for the average citizen are comparable to, if not surpass, the most well-off 'Loyalist' region. Which is not to ignore the men and women who comprise its original military arm, who not only stay true to their professed mandate but remain steadfast and ready to face any threat. All in all, they presented an alternative vision for a world that could have been, and one that may be far more preferable for humanity's future.

It comes as little surprise, then, why certain territories along with several dissidents have outright broken away from the Federation in favor of GDI protection, if not outright annexation. Or why EFGF soldiers and officers (either disillusioned with their erstwhile superiors for leaving them to die or a system they see as having betrayed them) have defected; in addition to Gen. Revil, other notably infamous cases include the crew of the Pegasus-class White Base, along with their highly prized cargo of powerful 'Gundam'-type MS. That there's a similar common, Western-derived culture mixed with a variety of regional, multicultural and even national identities (while simultaneously rekindling certain forms of nationalism) also helped in reducing most cases of culture shock, though some Blue Zone locals still tend to poke fun at some of the more peculiar names used by their new allies. Such developments, inevitably, have soured relations between the two polities.

But whether it's out of jingoism, compulsion or the renewed threat of Tiberium, more within the leadership (further pushed by distinguished figures like Col. 'Havoc' Parker and Gen. Michael McNeil) are entertaining the notion that if the Federation at its current state is not fit to claim to uphold world order, someone else would have to. The dynamics within and among these three powers have also left an impact on technological trends. The innovations represented by the newcomers' 'Mobile Construction Vehicles' for instance have redefined logistics alone, not only allowing for insta-building structures from practically nothing (so long as sufficient resources present) but also making the ability to set up fully-operational field bases of variable size a reality.

While Minovsky Particles have rendered the use of drones more impractical (as have certain guided munitions), a combination of industrial robotics, nanotechnology and refining methods derived from Tiberium harvesting (applicable for use on even scrap metal) have similarly taken mass production and economic efficiency to far greater heights, especially when a well-supplied GDI war factory could reasonably compete with even Jaburo's production facilities (which could churn out whole battallions of MS given enough time). And though the Federation nor Zeon were neither strangers to magnetic weapons (having previously made prototype designs) as well as the principle behind combat-ready protective gear, to see refitted Mammoth Mk.

III tanks inflict damage comparable with heavy beam weapons (be on battleships or Gundam-type MS) or observe Zone Trooper donning miniaturized power armor and handheld anti-vehicle railguns was another matter entirely. Suffice to say, such developments among others have since inspired both camps to invest in reverse-engineering those advancements to suit their own needs, though the results vary. On the other hand, although GDI's rugged design philosophies and improved Anno Domini-era conventional doctrines have served it well, it soon became apparent among the military and civil leadership that not only was their capacity to deal with Mobile Suits limited (especially as more of them are used on the battlefield) among other issues, but their once-unquestioned supremacy in orbit was vulnerable.

Thus, in addition to further improving their Orca series of aircraft and 'mobile armor'-tier weapons platforms (such as the Mammoth Mk. II and Mastodon), more attention has been made to expand their presence in space, be it through improving the Kodiak-class, the development of new prototype spacecraft (derived in part from data and equipment provided by EFGF/EFSF defectors) or reaching out to friendly Spacenoids such as the breakaway 'Riah Republic' of Side 6 as a possible site for a much expanded successor to the GDSS Philadelphia. All the while, working hand in hand with their researchers combining AMBAC systems with the sturdy chassis of the Titan walker to create heavily armored MS of their own that can not only fit into combined arms tactics but also function effectively in the vacuum of space, where such weapons could truly shine.


These also from part of a much larger response to the Tiberium question, code-named ' Ad Astra.' Although the newcomers, compared to the Brotherhood of their old reality, only use the green crystal for raw material and recognize their immense value as such, they recognized long ago how destructive it could be if left unchecked, ultimately threatening extinction. That both the Earth Federation and Zeon have continued neglecting warnings regarding the exploitation of the substance as a way to lessen their dependency on the Jupiter Energy Fleet and its cargo of Helium-3 has certainly made their efforts even harder; as though to make matters more complicated, in a perverse mirror of another history, the spread of such deposits, though seemingly unnoticeable to the environment, is growing exponentially.

But despite the loss of the so-called 'Tacitus' (a data matrix of extraterrestrial origin believed to contain the means to change the world or destroy it) prior to the Anomaly, there is a certain confidence from their scientists in being able to use what information they were able to gather (which has also helped in advancing GDI technology) to soon find a viable means to contain and control the alien mineral while there's still time. Awareness of the wider Earth Sphere has also opened up new possibilities along with new challenges. Uninhabited asteroids or even parts of the Lunar surface could be used for the seeding and harvesting of Tiberium in relative safety. The existence of several large, self-sufficient space colonies (derived from O'Neill cylinder designs) has shown GDI that humanity could survive even in the worst case scenario and, if Side 6 proved anything, that at least some Spacenoids can be swayed to an alternative vision for a brighter tomorrow, much as on Earth.

That is, if it could defeat the underlying ideology that one way or another drives the Zabis and the other Zeon cliques. Something about the worldview justifying Newtypes as the next stage of human evolution seemed strangely familiar to many in the Blue Zones. With some even in GDI's leadership entertaining the notion that perhaps there's more to the deceased Deikun than meets the eye, harkening back to a false Messiah in another world and another time. I like your maps, which are damn good. I've got a few ideas that might interest you though.

Command and conquer crossovers

Total Command Fanfiction

Like an alternate timeline where Britain and France tried to carry out genocide on Germany in 1920 which caused the rest of the planet to screw France Britain over in a five year conflict called 'The Great War of Resistance' or a future where it's basically a sick lovechild of Frostpunk and Day After Tomorrow, an Anno 2070/2205-Nexus: The Jupiter Incident-seaQuest-Submarine TITANS-Front Mission-SubWar 2050 style Sol, and a 'remake' CnC Tiberium. Yes been thinking on the new GDI Subfaction Global Alnus Task Force (GATE) a new dedicated force for the Otherworld.Unlike Earth base GDIUP as GATE makes use of abandon techs much like the Orca Command Ships while best to update there orbital standards while keep Tiberium from getting out of hand. Of course with Nod roaming around and mutated Orc Hordes attacking anyone on site they have devoted to deal with any threats as there mainline WarriorsWith almost 100 percent of the Warrior Bunnies devoted to fighting this has cause a surge in GATE Forces that are like GDI attempts to mass produce Commando Troops of course these girls are like GDI version of Spartan II after the Empire conquest the Bunny comeback is a result of GDI actions now focus and hones the once divided people now a sword for hope. Also be careful or end up with little bunnies as no male safe. I wonder you see Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There map of Falmart?I have a idea called Gate: Thus Tiberium ArrivedI have a idea following the Gate opening in 2010 in Japan following TW1 to the current now of 2047 around 40 years note a 10 year cut of timewise before reconnect only a year or 2 for us on Earth.

As the Soviet Union was beginning to disillusion by the massive powers of the western world, General Krukov and Colonel Cherdenko with Dr. Zelinski makes a last ditch effort to save the Union by using Zelinski's latest invention, a time machine. Cherdenko, Krukov and Zelinski time warp to the 1920's, and killed off Albert Einstein. As they come back to their original time, they realize that the Soviet Union is a better faction than the western world,and Cherdenko becomes the Premier of the Union. But, another faction is now rising to power, The Empire of the Rising Sun, and they intend to invade the Soviet Union. With 3 factions fighting, only one can be the one standing to rule the world. Quotes:Bingham, I am hearing a rumor that I know can not be true, are we really signing a peace treaty with the commies?:Actually sir, it's more of a case fire.:So, you're tell me it.is.

true.:Well, we've already exhausted most of our forces, and we belive that siding with the Soviets will help us against the Empire.:Bullpucky. You know those Russians can't be trusted, they hate everything we stand for. Freedom, liberty, the persuit of happiness, apple pie. Did I say freedom, well it's worth saying.».

The problem I found with this game was the fact that yet another 'alternative universe' had to be created to introduce the Empire of the rising sun and this new alternative universe was created when the Soviets travel back in time to get rid of 'Einstien' who was responsible for the Allies high tech weaponry such as the Chronosphere, It would've been better if they found a better storyline to do that instead of copying what was already done in the 1st Red Alert, in the 1st Alert it was a great idea to have an alternative universe but why do it again? The original alternative timeline that was introduced in the 1st Red Alert was fine as it was, getting rid of Hitler to allow the Soviets to rise made perfect sense in the original since without Hitler Germany wouldn't have started World War 2 and thus never attacked Russia (See World war 2 History for details:D) This game has some plot holes for instance, with Einstien gone the Soviets no longer have Nuclear weapons which makes sense but wait who made the Chronosphere with Einstien gone? I know someone else did but it never is explained.

Command And Conquer Crossover